Coffee Processing

Vietnamese Coffee Exporter
Monte Carlo ÇeşitleriCoffee & Environment

What Characterizes And potential Monte Claro Varietal

Monte Claro Varietal: Beyond the usual Arabica suspects, a lesser-known varietal is emerging from Venezuela's verdant hills - the exotic Monte Claro. This Angolan transplant intrigues with high yields and pest resilience yet delivers a floral, fruity cup. Over 40 years, generations of researchers meticulously honed Monte Claro for Venezuelan terroir through selective breeding. In 2013, it was finally unveiled by scientist Bilal El Ayoubi. Now, only Venezuelan farmers cultivate this unique coffee. Producer Victor Montilla finds Monte Claro's compact, low-standing trees …
Specialized water for making coffeeCoffee & Environment

Danish Researchers Develop Specialized Water For Making Coffee – But How Valuable Is It?

Specialized water for making coffee: Ask any barista - water is everything. Up to 98% of coffee, it directs flavor. So "designer" coffee waters proliferate, each touting taste tweaks. Latest is DesignerWater - a Danish brainchild promising optimized minerality. But do we need such solutions? As a coffee water expert, I have doubts. Beyond basic filtration, perceived value decreases. Once you perfect water fundamentals, marginal gains become questionable, especially for casual drinkers. While promising for enthusiasts, for most fans the difference …
Lactic Fermentation Test In Wet ProcessingCoffee Daily News

Lactic Fermentation Test In Wet Processing

Lactic Fermentation Test In Wet Processing: This is the next part of the series introducing unique coffee processing methods, through customizing the fermentation process based on science. In the previous article, we introduced the 700-hour fermentation test in dry processing – by a producer from Colombia. In this article we will approach an experimental control of fermentation in wet processing . The two main agents in the fermentation process of wild coffee are yeast and lactic acid bacteria (Lactic acid bacteria abbreviated as LAB*) . Simply put, lactic acid …
Coffees with natural processingCoffee & Environment

Is Opting For Coffees With Natural Processing The Superior Choice For Espresso?

Coffees with natural processing: Coffee's flavor palette has exploded - washed, natural, honey, anaerobic - unique processing unlocking distinctive tastes. But these methods demand pairing with the proper brewing. Espresso highlights processing's impact. Naturals, with their fruit and body, excel as espresso. Yet to master naturals in espresso, knowledge is key. As Leif An of Stereoscope Coffee explains, balancing fruit and acidity is essential. Lower densities and finer grinding help. Altuğ Baser of BOXX Coffee Roasters emphasizes controlling sweetness - …
Coffees with natural processingCoffee & Environment

Kopi dengan pengolahan alami

Kopi dengan pengolahan alami: Lavado, natural, honey, fermentación anaeróbica, maceración carbónica: ahora más que nunca existe una gama muy diversa de métodos de procesamiento en el sector del café de especialidad. Cada uno afecta de forma única al sabor y la sensación en boca, y algunos contribuyen a mejorar la calidad del café. Teniendo en cuenta que cada técnica de procesamiento tiene una influencia significativa en los perfiles sensoriales, tiene sentido que ciertos métodos funcionen mejor en combinación con diferentes métodos de …
use coffee flowersCoffee & Environment

How To Use Coffee Flowers In Specialty Coffee Production

use coffee flowers: In the coffee farms scattered across the Bean Belt, the appearance of white, aromatic flowers marks a crucial phase in the life cycle of coffee plants. Assessing these blossoms allows farmers to gauge the forthcoming productivity of their coffee plants for the season, enabling them to plan and prepare for the upcoming months accordingly. The timing of the blooming season varies depending on the geographical location and climate. Nevertheless, one certainty prevails: the eventual shedding of these flowers from …
water specifically for coffee brewingCoffee & Environment

Water Specifically For Coffee Brewing

Water specifically for coffee brewing: Water is the lifeblood of great coffee - ask any barista or café owner. It accounts for nearly all a cup's volume, profoundly shaping flavor. So specialty "coffee waters" designed to extract maximum taste make sense. But with so many tailored brewing waters saturating the market, are they still enhancing the cup or just capitalizing on hype? The latest is DesignerWater - a Danish collaboration between coffee pros like Espresso House founder Kenneth Luciani and the …
Irrigation Systems And Their Application In Coffee GrowingCoffee Cupping Guide

Irrigation Systems And Their Application In Coffee Growing

Water is a vital resource in coffee production; However, the effects of climate change are reducing its availability in producing areas. While some regions do not yet have water shortages, others struggle with irregular rainfall and prolonged droughts. The situation worsens if we take into account that many coffee growers continue to depend on the benevolence of the climate, without the support of irrigation systems that guarantee water supply. To learn more about irrigation models, their advantages and challenges, I spoke with …
الحمراء المسطحةCoffee Cupping Guide

ما هي القهوة الحمراء المسطحة ومن أين أتت؟

في العديد من المقاهي حول العالم، يقوم المزيد والمزيد من خبراء صناعة القهوة بتطوير مشروبات جديدة ومبتكرة. يمكن لهذه المشروبات أن تساعد شركات القهوة على التميز، فضلاً عن خلق تجارب حسية جديدة للمستهلكين. أحد الأمثلة على ذلك هو مشروب فلات ريد، وهو مشروب يحتوي على قهوة الإسبريسو والذي يتضمن الرمان المطهو على البخار وعصير البرتقال. نشأ المشروب في أوكرانيا، حيث لا يزال يحظى بشعبية كبيرة. لمعرفة المزيد عن اللون الأحمر المسطح - وما إذا كانت هناك إمكانية لسوق أوسع - تحدثت إلى …
الحمراء المسطحةCoffee Daily News

What Is A “Flat Red” Coffee, And What Is Its Origin?

Across the globe, baristas in numerous coffee shop are crafting new and innovative concoctions that not only help their establishments stand out but also offer unique sensory delights to their patrons. Take, for instance, the "flat red," an imaginative espresso-based concoction that blends in the unexpected zest of steamed pomegranate and orange juice. This inventive beverage hails from Ukraine, where it has managed to captivate the local coffee aficionados and maintain its popularity. Keen to delve deeper into the essence of the …
specialty coffee ThailandCoffee Daily News

Has The Popularity Of Specialty Coffee Been On The Rise In Thailand?

Positioned on the Indochinese Peninsula, Thailand has emerged as a notable player in the global coffee landscape, ranking among the top 25 coffee-producing nations and holding the title of the third-largest producer in Southeast Asia. The nation, once predominantly recognized for its production of commercial-grade robusta, has seen a marked shift towards cultivating higher quantities of arabica and premium robusta beans. Evolution of Specialty Coffee in Thailand Thailand's journey into coffee cultivation, especially when compared to its Asian counterparts, is relatively young. …
reduce emissions during coffee roastingCoffee Daily News

What Strategies Can Be Implemented To Minimize Emissions In The Coffee Roasting Process?

The pursuit of sustainability has become a critical objective for coffee roasting in recent times. This encompasses not only the ethical and traceable sourcing of coffee beans but also the environmental footprint of the roasting process. While much of the coffee industry's sustainability initiatives have traditionally centered on production and retail levels, the roasting segment is equally critical. Progressive roasters are now actively seeking ways to diminish their emissions and operational costs by investing in advanced, eco-friendly roasting technologies. To gain further …